Love Quotes in English | 1100+ Love Status in English
Love is that emotion which holds power to change our world into positivist and fresh forever. Love is a strong positive emotional & mental state which leaves you spellbound. This feeling or emotion of love can’t be sold nor bought; it can only be spread from one person to another. Love makes our life full of happiness and pleasures. When we are in love it seems everything beautiful to us. Here are some of the most beautiful Love Quotes in English to help you express how you feel. Share your love feelings with your loved ones.
Heart Touching Love Quotes in English
Love is sweet when its new,
but sweeter when its true.
Every time i see you
I fall in love all over again.

You don’t mean ANYTHING to me.
you mean EVERYTHING to me.
There are only two things,
that i want to be with you
now and forever.

There is only one happiness in life
to love and to be loved.
Fall in love with someone
who deserve your heart not
someone who plays with it.

I am in love with every moment
i spend with you.
The best love story is when you fall in love
with the most unexpected person.

My problem is heart
and solution is you.
I love you for all that you are
all that you have been and
all you are yet to be.

Time can be change everything,
But not my love for you.
You are every reason,
every hope and every dream I’ve ever had.

When i look into your eyes
I know i have found the mirror
of my own soul.
I can conquer the world with one hand
as long as you are holding the others.

I am single because
god is busy writing to
best love story for me.
I want to be your
last everything.

All love stories are beautiful
but ours is my favorite.
Even though we are million miles away.
We will always be together.

I need you like a heart needs a beat.
Just seeing your smile
makes me feel better inside.
I just want to make you happy
Because you are the reason
that i am so happy.

Love is when the heart beats faster.
Emotional Love Quotes in English for Girlfriend
I love it when you hold me
like you will never let me go.
I want an honest relationship.
no secrets. no lies. no cheating.

Don’t promise me the moon or the stars,
just promise you will stay
under them with me forever.
Don’t make me an option,
When I’ve made you my priority.

love me less but love me long.
Listen to my little heart.
It always says your name with every heartbeat.
Love is what makes you smile when you’re tired.
True love does not tolerate outsiders.
I love you dear with every beat of my heart.
Love is not what the mind thinks,
but what the heart feels.
True Love never dies
it only gets stronger with time.
I love you and you love me,
then why can’t we be together?
Dear heart, please fall in love
only when you’re ready,
not when you’re lonely.
Love the one who loves you
not the one whom you love.
I think the perfect hugs are when
someone hugs me without me asking.
Your love is all I need to feel complete.
The spaces between your fingers
are meant to be filled with mine.
if love is true.
it will always find a way.
Love is being stupid together.
My love for you is like a circle,
it has no end.
If my love for you is a crime,
I want to be the most wanted criminal.
Your heart and mine are forever one.
I don’t fall in love with faces,
I fall in love with personalities.
Every time I look at the keyboard,
I always see U and I together.
Deep Love Quotes in English for Boyfriend
True love has a habit of coming back.
True love isn’t love at first
sight but love at every sight.
Being in LOVE is like Being DRUNK.
No control over what you do.
You taught me how to love
but not how to stop.
We are more than friends
but less than a couple.

Love is blind but beautiful.
My mom told me angels are in heaven,
so why is she on Earth?
I like when you smile,
but I love it when I’m the reason.
Sometimes you just need to maintain
a distance to keep them close to you.
In life I need only you!
I wish you could love me
the way I love you.
Love never fail.
we fail to love.
True love doesn’t have a happy ending,
because True love never ends.
We fall in love by chance.
We stay in love by choice.
Love never dies.
only the lover changes.
Love means exposing yourself to the pain
of being hurt by someone you trust.
I lost my Heart Can Any body See ?
Love can’t be found
Where it doesn’t exist.
When I talk to you i fall
in love over and over again.
The person who hates you,
loves you the most.
My heart is perfect because..
you are inside.
Love is the greatest refreshment in Life.
I want you today and tomorrow
and next week and for the rest of my life.
One love, one heart, one destiny.
Love when you’re ready,
not when you are alone.
Love is like war:
easy to begin but very hard to stop.
Only you can give me that feeling.
Romantic Love Quotes to Express Your True Feelings
Your Love Is Like Wine;
I Want To Get Drunk.
Love begins with a smile,
grows with a kiss,
and ends with a teardrop.
Can I borrow a Kiss?
I promise I’ll give it back.

The best feeling is when you look at the one
you love and they’re already looking at you.
When I count my blessings
i count you twice.
Love is when you have the
chance to leave but choose to stay.
If you love something set it free.
I’ve no idea what happened to me,
but all I know it’s I love you.
I love you more than there are stars
in the sky and fish in the sea.
Distance means nothing
when someone means everything.
I don’t hate peoples,
I just love peoples who loves me.
My “Heart” is always your!
I love you, just the way you are.
Fire is like love,
it keeps you warm
but sometimes you’ll get burned.
When love is not madness it is not love.
The person loves you more will fight
with you daily without any reason.
She loves me or not
but I love her a lot.
The heart that loves,
stays always young.
I don’t even know why I like you.
But I just do.
You’re like a drug that’s killing me.
Love is cute when it’s new,
but love is most beautiful when it lasts.
I kept my heart Strong like Iron but,
I didn’t know that your heart is a Magnet.
Gravitation is not responsible
for people falling in love.
I don’t need geography,
you are my world.
If I know what love is,
it is because of you.
Sweet Love Quotes for Your Girlfriend
You are my favorite
reason to lose my sleep.
You think you’re one of millions
but you’re one in a million to me.
I only want 3 things:
See you. Hug you. Kiss you.
Love is a bird, let it fly.
I want someone who comes into my life
by accident and stays on purpose.
Be the type of person
you want to meet.
I need you, you need me.
Let’s make it work.
You either live in love or die,
there is no way in between.
I love you yesterday, I love you still,
I always have, I always will.
Love me for a second
and I’ll love you forever.
All I need is your love.
I want vitamin “U”
Love is the only thing that control
every single emotion you have.
If you fall in love.
be ready for the tears !
Love is master key of opening
a gate of happiness.

I will love you forever
until the end of time!
Love never fails and when it fails in life,
then its not love!
To be honest,
you are the only one i have ever
spent this much time and effort on.
No matter what you do!
Cause you are my forever!
And nothing you do will make
my stop loving you.
Everybody knows how to love,
but only few people know
how to stay in love
with one person forever.
I wont deny that I like you.
Neither would I admit.
Love isn’t complicated, people are.
When the heart takes over,
the mind can’t do a thing!
Relationship starts with can we talk
and ends with we need to talk.
Heartfelt Quotes About Falling in Love
Place your time and energy on someone
who will add sunshine to your life.
Life is too short to waste on the wrong one.
Sometimes, when you madly love someone,
you don’t need words to describe it.
I will love you forever.
No matter what happens I’ll be there.
Distance couldn’t take us apart
it will make us closer.
Because true love waits & never surrenders.
Thank you for coming into my life.
For letting me feel this love that I have for you.
Because not everybody is as lucky as I am
To be loved by you!
You are one of those beautiful things
that happened to my life
and made my life worthwhile.
Love her like you’re the worst.
Make love to her like you’re the best.
You looking most amazing,
wonderful,fantastic,smart,charming, dazzling.
Every friendship doesn’t change into love
but every love begins with friendship.
Don’t love too much,
a don’t care too much,
don’t trust too much;
because that too much
can hurt you too much.
True love is when she talks non- stop
and you are still interested
in listening to her.
Love is the only thing
which makes you cry even more u laugh.
I always pray to God to tie us
in a sacred knot so that
we spend each and every moment together.
I don’t hate people,
I just love people who love me.
If you expect something in return,
It’s called business, not love.
I shall love you till i take
my last breathe on EARTH.
If someone gives you a second chance,
try not to ruin it by being same person again.
Best Love Lines in English
Insomnia can be a blessing
if you have someone to talk with,
the whole night.
I love the way you love me.
I don’t know if I like you or love you,
want you or need you,
all I know is I love the feeling
I get when I’m near you.
Love+trust+honesty=long relationship
If a hug tell how much I love you,
I would hold you in my arms forever.
You may be someone to the world
but you are the world for someone.
99% of the time,
we forgive people because
we still want them in our lives.
Someone who truly loves you,
won’t make you feel like
you need to constantly
fight for their attention.
Sometimes we waste too much time
to think about someone
who doesn’t think about us for a second.
I don’t need a burning sun and
a cooling moon to show me my way.
Just want you to hold me whenever I tumble.
Love is the mixture of trust love and care.
Without this is just like a phone with a dead battery.
I’m scared to look at you.
Because the more I do.
The more I fall in love with u.
You are so lucky if you are sad
and someone is making an effort
to make you smile.
Sometimes when I look at you,
I can’t speak much because
my mind thinks more than my heart.
When someone else
happiness is your happiness,
it’s called true love.
Everyone thinks that love hurts.
But love never hurts.
Rejection hurts.. Loneliness hurts.
Love is the only feeling which covers all the pain.
Top Love Caption in English
I have decided to stick with love
because hate is too great a burden to bear.
Life can give us lot of beautiful persons,
But only one person is enough for a beautiful life.
Live every moment,
laugh every day,
love beyond words.
We fall in love by chance
but we stay in love by choice.
Love does not consists of gazing at each other,
but in looking together in the same direction.
Love is the seventh sense
which destroys all other 6 senses.
I will never hurt you is one
of the most popular lies.
If you truly love someone
then every day is Valentine’s Day.
The person who loves you truly
is the most precious thing in your life.
Love is the perfect feeling
that makes two imperfect people
perfect for each other.
We fight like a married couple,
talk like best friends,
and flirt like first loves.
A hundred hearts would be
too few To carry all my love for you.
The best feeling is when you
look at her and she is already staring.
Psychology says,
you realize you love someone
when you want them to be happy,
even if its not with you.
Love is a language spoken by everyone
but understood only by heart.
I have tested all sweet dishes
but they are not sweet as my lover is.
A kiss is a lovely trick designed by nature
to stop speech when words become superfluous.
My favorite place in this world is,
“Next to You”
When you are in love,
you can’t fall asleep because
the reality is far better than your dreams.
One-Line Love Quotes for Instagram and Facebook
I may not be versatile in showing off my love.
But it hurts deep inside when you speak
like you don’t understand a Damn!
I need someone
who will actually stand by my side,
no matter what mood i am in.
If you love 2 people at the same time,
choose the second because
if you really love the first
you wouldn’t fall into the other one.
There may be a million things to smile about,
but you are definitely my favorite one.
You don’t need somebody to tell you they love you.
You can tell by the way they treat you.
Love is composed of a single soul
inhabiting two bodies.
Love is the only game
never postponed due to darkness.
Last night I hugged my pillow and dream of you.
I wish that someday I’d dream
about my pillow and I’d be hugging you.
Real boyfriend sees no other females,
Because his eyes are only dedicated for his girl.
A single text from you can
change my mood at any moment.
I didn’t choose you,
My heart did.
If your heart was a prison,
I would like to be sentenced for life.
Relationships never die a natural death
They are murdered by Ego,
Attitude and Ignorance.
The greatest gift you can give
someone is your time.
Don’t fall in love,
rise in love everyday.
Don’t give them the keys to your
heart if you know they will lose it.
Love is about taking risks not being stupid.
Where Their is Love Their is Life!
Love is like a rubber band
held at both ends by two people,
when one leaves it, other gets hurt.
Love Status in English
People who hide their feelings
usually cares the most.
Love me or hate me
but at the end of the day
you gonna miss me.
Its sweet to be in someone’s thoughts
but its safe to in someone’s heart.
When a couple is arguing
over who loves who more,
the one that gives up is the real winner.
I like when you smile
but I love when I m the reason.
If a hug represents
how much I love you,
i’ ll hold you in my arms forever.
The person who has truly loved you
is the only one who has the strength
to accept your mistakes and forgive you.
Don’t fall for anyone,
make that person fall for u.
Being deeply loved by
someone gives you strength,
while loving someone
deeply gives you courage.
Love is not about
how much you say
‘I love you’,
but how much you
can prove that it’s true.
I am who I am
because of you.
Love is composed of a single
soul inhabiting two bodies.
Love isn’t something you find.
Love is something that finds you.
I love you not only
for what you are,
but for what I am
when I am with you.
To love is nothing.
To be loved is something.
But to love and be loved,
that’s everything.
Love is like the wind,
you can’t see it but
you can feel it.
Love is not about
how many days, months,
or years you have been together.
Love is about how much
you love each other
every single day.
The best thing to hold
onto in life is each other.
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We hope you have liked the most beautiful Love Quotes in English to Express your Feelings to your Loved Ones. Share your love feelings with your loved ones. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest & Instagram.